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Financial help and support may be available to you, whether you're aged 16-19 or an adult learner, your finances should not prevent you from accessing education.

pdf Click here to read our Guidelines for 16-19 Bursary fund and Free Meals 2023-2024 (159 KB) .

pdf Click here to read the Student Financial Support Policy (305 KB)

For further information please see our fees policy under 'Academic policies'.

Financial Support

At Richmond upon Thames College (RuTC) our aim is to ensure your time at college is as worry free as possible. We can assist in making your study easy and affordable. You may be eligible for other financial support, depending on your circumstances.

You can contact our Bursary team by emailing: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or you can call us on 020 8607 8000.

Please note:  We are no longer accepting cash payments for fees and other charges.

  • Free College Meals

    To apply for free college meals you must:

    • Be enrolled on a course which is fully funded by the ESFA
    • Be aged 16 or over but under 19 at the 31st of August 2021
    • Be aged 19 or over on the 31st of August 2021 and have an Education, Health and Care Plan

    Students or their parents/guardians should be in receipt of one or more of the following benefits

    • Income Support
    • Income-based Job Seeker's Allowance (JSA)
    • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
    • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
    • The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
    • Child Tax Credit provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit) and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190
    • Working Tax Credit Run On - The 4 week payment that you receive when you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
    • Universal Credit with net earnings not exceeding the equivalent of £7,400 per annum

    Bursary college meals

    Please note: if you are not entitled to free college meals as stated above, you may still be eligible for a daily bursary allowance towards your food and drink.

  • Free Bus Travel

    Students on full-time courses, aged 16 to 18 as of 31st August, who live in a London borough can apply for a 16+ Oyster photocard giving them free travel on buses, and discount travel on the Tube and DLR. Applications should be made online at the TFL website.

    Full-time students aged over 18 can apply for an 18+ Student photocard providing 30% discount on travelcards and bus season tickets.

    For more information on Oyster cards and discounts visit:

  • Childcare

    If you need financial assistance with childcare costs and are under 20, you can apply to the Care to Learn Scheme.

    20+ Childcare Bursary

    If you are over 20 we may be able to help you with Childcare costs whilst you study. Your income needs to be less than £25,000. The childcare provider must be Ofsted registered.

    If your child is eligible for the government's free childcare hours the college will expect you to make use of that, before we offer funding.

    Please note: If you are eligible for the Care to Learn Scheme, the college bursary will not be available for childcare costs.

    Should you require more information, please contact the Student Services officers: 

    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • or call 020 8607 8000

    Applications will be on a first come first served basis.

  • Important Information

    • All payments are dependent on available funds
    • Your application will not be assessed without the required evidence
    • We cannot be responsible for original documents
    • Evidence must be provided by the applicant together with their application
    • Incomplete applications will not be processed
    • Students must adhere to the college requirements for attendance and behaviour.

  • How can I apply for financial support?

    Once you have enrolled you will be issued with a college ID number. You can then apply for financial support or bursary funding. Please complete the online application form via the Pay My Student website.

    Should you require more information or if you cannot apply online and need a paper form, please send an email to the student services officers: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or call us on 020 8607 8000. Applications will be on a first come first serve basis.

Financial Support for 16-19 year olds

Full or part-time students aged 16, 17 or 18 on 31st August of the academic year in which a course commences will not be asked to pay tuition or examination fees. For most subjects, students will be required to pay for personal tools/equipment, books and materials. There are also charges for educational visits arranged as part of the course. Where possible, we will advise you of such charges in advance of enrolment.

  • 16-19 Student Bursaries

    The 16-19 Bursary Fund targets support towards the most financially disadvantaged 16-19 year olds - those who most need help with the costs of staying on in education. RUTC determines the eligibility criteria for discretionary bursaries and the frequency of and conditions for payments for all awards.

    We administer bursaries and similar hardship schemes on behalf of government agencies and adopt the applicable guidance in doing so. The College does not designate other funding from general reserves for this purpose. The 16-19 Bursary will only be awarded to a student that is eligible and facing genuine financial barriers to participating.

  • 16-19 Discretionary Bursary

    You may be eligible for the Discretionary Bursary if you or your family have a household income of below £25,000.

    This bursary can be used to contribute towards travel costs, college meals, uniforms, course materials and books (including whilst on industry placement) – funding will be prioritised towards these expenditures.

    This funding is allocated based on individual needs.

    Who can apply?

    • Those enrolled on a full-time funded course
    • Those who meet the ESF Agency residency criteria
    • Those aged 16 or over but under 19 on the 31st of August 2021 (if you turn 19 during your course of study, you will still receive funding until the end of the college year)
    • Those aged 19 or over on the 31st of August 2022 and have an Education, Health and Care Plan (Discretionary Bursary and Free College Meals only)
    • Those aged 19 or over on the 31st of August 2022 and continuing on a study program you began aged 16 to 18 (Discretionary Bursary and Free College Meals only)
    • To apply you must be able to provide evidence of household income, £25,000 gross per annum or below for the tax year April 2020-21. This information can normally be found on the Tax Credit Award Notice Alternatively, you can provide benefits paperwork dated within the last 3 months
    • Students should have their own bank/building society account that accepts BACS payments

    Who cannot apply?

    • Overseas students
    • Students on work-based learning or apprenticeships
    • Learners in prison or a young offender institution or those who have been released on a temporary license, for example on day release

  • 16-19 Enhanced Bursary

    You may be eligible for an Enhanced Bursary of up to £1200 a year if you fall into one of the four defined vulnerable groups.

    This bursary can be used to contribute towards travel costs, college meals, uniforms, course materials and books – funding will be prioritised towards these expenditures.

    Students on full-time courses can receive up to £1,200 calculated on an individual needs basis, students on part-time courses will receive a pro-rata amount.

    Who can apply?

    Students aged over 16 and under 19 on 31st August who are either:

    • In care or a care leaver and in financial need
    • A young person living independently on income support or universal credit
    • In receipt of both ESA or Universal Credit and Disabled Living Allowance or P.I.P

Financial Support for adults aged 19+

UK, EU and non-EU students aged 19 or over on 31st August of the academic year in which a course commences will be able to join our A-Level and vocational courses (subject to meeting our entry requirements) and will normally be required to pay tuition fees. Advanced Learner Loans may be available for study at Level 3 or Level 4.

  • Over 19 Discretionary Learner Support Fund

    To be eligible for the Over 19 Discretionary Learner Support Fund you must:

    • Meet the ESFA/AEB residency criteria (see bursary guidelines)
    • Be aged 19 to 23 at the 31 August 2021 (if 24+ courses at Level 2 or below only)
    • Be enrolled on a government funded further education course at Richmond Upon Thames College up to and including the first full Level 3
    • Been assessed as a Home student (eg. UK or EU students ordinarily a resident in UK, refugee status or leave to remain)
    • Show evidence that your household income is £25,000 or below per annum

    The amount of support we can offer will be dependent on the number of hours you study and on available funds.

    Please register and apply online via Pay My Student, using your Student ID by clicking here.

    Should you require more information or if you cannot apply online and need a paper form, please send an email to the student services officers: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us on 020 8607 8000.

  • Advanced Learner Loans

    You may qualify for an Advanced Learner Loan. These loans help you to pay the fees charged by approved colleges and training organisations in England.

    Most learners aged 19 and over, studying at Level 3 to 6, will qualify for these loans from the UK government. It’s easy to apply, your household income isn’t taken into account and there’s no credit check. You won’t have to pay anything back until your income is over £27,295 a year.

    For more information, contact the finance team at Richmond upon Thames College or visit National Careers Service

    Please be aware that you are entitled to seek impartial money advice from The Money Advice Service.

    Courses Eligible for Funding

    Eligible courses include:

    • A-Levels (provided you are studying four or less)
    • Access to HE Diploma
    • Level 3 Certificate or Diploma
    • Level 4 Certificate or Diploma.

  • Advanced Learner Loan Bursary

    To be eligible for the Advanced Learner Loan Bursary, you must:

    • Be aged 19 or over on the first day of your course.
    • Be studying an eligible course at Richmond upon Thames College at Level 3 or above.
    • Have been living in the UK, Channel Islands or the Isle of Man for 3 years immediately before you start your course
    • Meet the nationality/residency criteria set by the Student Loans Company
    • Have had your Advanced learner loan approved by the Student Loan Company
    • Show evidence that your income is £25,000 or below per annum

    The amount of support we can offer will be dependent on the number of hours you study and on available funds.

    Please register and apply online via Pay My Student, using your Student ID by clicking here.

    Should you require more information or if you cannot apply online and need a paper form, please send an email to the student services officers: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call them on 020 8607 8000.

  • Student Finance England (SFE)

    The Student Finance England full-time undergraduate application service for 2022/23 is now open. New students should apply online at

    SFE will contact continuing students in due course to prompt them to apply.

  • Find out if you are eligible for full funding for your adult course

    If you would like to take GCSE Maths or English, you are eligible for full funding if you are 19 or over and do not currently have either one of those qualifications in a grade A*- C.

    Funding for all other Level 2 and 3 courses:

    Depending on your age, previous qualifications and circumstances, fee concessions may be available on some courses up to and including Level 3 qualifications. You may not need to pay fees if you are 19-23 years old and applying for your first full Level 2 or Level 3 qualification.

    You may also be eligible if you are receiving any of the following benefits:

    • Job Seeker Allowance
    • Employment Support Allowance (ESA) and are in a work-related activity group (WRAG)
    • Universal Credit, earn less than 16 times the National Minimum Wage per week or £330 a month and are determined by Jobcentre Plus (JCP) as being in one of the following groups:
      • All Work Related Requirements Group
      • Work Preparation Group
      • Work Focused Interview Group

    Please contact our Admissions Team: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information about fee concessions. You will need to provide proof of benefits and earnings. We will also do a background check for your previous qualifications.